The best Quotes by St. Jerome

The best Quotes by St. Jerome

Jerome (342/347 – 30 September 420), also known as Jerome of Stridon, was a Christian priest, confessor, theologian, and historian; he is commonly known as Saint Jerome.

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.
Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night.
Love is not to be purchased, and affection has no price.
True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks.

Quotes about St. Jerome

Peter Venkman: "Have you or any of your family ever been diagnosed Schizophrenic? Mentally incompetent?"
Librarian: "My uncle thought he was St. Jerome."
Peter Venkman: "I'd call that a big yes."
Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters

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The Death Chill. The power to kill by fear itself. Your veins turn to rivers of ice. Your bones crack and the last thing you see is your own tear ducts freezing up.
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Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma. I believe that everything happens for a reason.
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Honestly, my mom won’t say it, but we’re completely broke. And the only thing that’s left in our name is this creepy old farmhouse my grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere.
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Ray, when some asks you if you're a god, you say 'yes'!
Winston Zeddmore in Ghostbusters
We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!
Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters
Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything. You've never been out of college. You don't know what it's like out there. I've worked in the private sector. They expect results!
Dr. Raymond Stantz in Ghostbusters
Dr. Peter Venkman: "This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions."
Mayor: "What do you mean, 'biblical'?"
Dr. Raymond Stantz: "What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff."
Dr. Peter Venkman: "Exactly."
Dr. Raymond Stantz: "Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!"
Dr. Egon Spengler: "Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes..."
Winston Zeddemore: "...the dead rising from the grave!"
Dr. Peter Venkman: "Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"
Mayor: "All right, all right. I get the point."
Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters
One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other one is me.
Joe Biden - März 2024
What do you call an Asian Dwayne Johnson?
The Wok.
I'm paranoid. On my stationary bike, I have a rear view mirror.
When you're in love it's the most glorious two and a half days of your life.
I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back.
I tried phone sex - it gave me an ear infection.
During sex I fantasize that I'm someone else.
I like to read biographies of authors that I love, like Richard Yates. I also like to see what non-fiction authors are out there. My bible is Something Happened. It's one of the greatest books I've ever read. But if I don't read a Dostoevsky soon I'm going to kill myself.
For 45 years I've worked without an audience.

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