The best Quotes by Thomas Merton

The best Quotes by Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton (January 31, 1915 – December 10, 1968) was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist and scholar of comparative religion. On May 26, 1949, he was ordained to the Catholic priesthood and given the name "Father Louis". He was a member of the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, near Bardstown, Kentucky, living there from 1941 to his death.

Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul.
The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.
The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

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The food and the people in Thailand never let you down and Bangkok is an astonishing place - the culture's lovely and gentle.
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Bangkok - which is kinda the same.
Shopping in Thailand is super cheap and generally high quality. Bangkok is also safe. If you see anybody wearing camouflage holding a machete, don't be scared. They sell coconuts.
Bangkok, like Las Vegas, sounds like a place where you make bad decisions.
I grew up in Kentucky, but I did not grow up like that. I didn't have to shoot my dinner or anything.
I have never in my life seen a Kentuckian who didn’t have a gun, a pack of cards, and a jug of whiskey.
You can't be an a-shole and a losing coach. In Kentucky, baby, winning cures all.
Opal Lowry in Hoops - Season 1 Episode 1
I was a very quiet, shy child. I grew up in a small town, Louisville, Kentucky, and there weren't too many Hawaiian-Filipino girls, so I stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn't look like everyone else and didn't feel I belonged... But these things only build character and make you stronger. It taught me to grow into the woman I was to become.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Kentucky - and that's pretty much the same thing.
It takes much more courage to be in love than it does for war.
Helsinki in Money Heist - Season 4 Episode 5
You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shade when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes, you close your window. So that's why I'm scared when you say you love me.
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.
Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we're gone.
If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second.
Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain. Because life's greatest lessons are learned through pain.
The world will break your heart ten ways to Sunday. That's guaranteed.
Death is Peaceful, Life is Harder.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lifes of those we touch.
You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working. But you’ll have no sense of self anymore, no memory, no... anything. There's no chance at all of recovery. You'll just exist. As an empty shell.
Some people carry a big bonfire in their souls, without having anyone to enjoy it.
If believing in yourself and going after what you want in life and realising your worth is ruthless and selfish, then I'm definitely ruthless and selfish.
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is the best.
My dad always told me, "I don't care what you do. Just aim to be the best at it. Even if it's the world's best window cleaner."
I can resist everything except temptation.
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
Knowing was a temptation. What you don't know won't tempt you.
Girlfriend is such a stupid word. I couldn't stand calling her that. So, we had to get married, so I could call her "wife".
Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.
It's the way it works: Love plus time minus distance equals hate.
At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to, and once we've chosen those people, we tend to stick close by. No matter how much we hurt them.
Meredith Grey in Grey's Anatomy - Season 3 Episode 10
Couples who are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but the big difference is they don't let it take them down. One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time. If it's right, and they're real lucky, one of them will say something.
Perry Cox in Scrubs - Season 1 Episode 15
Never let pride be your guiding principle! Let your accomplishments speak for you.

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