The best Game Quotes (Page 6)

The best Game Quotes (Page 6)

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Yo Viper, are we really safe breathing that in? I lowkey have asthma.
If they mess with one of us, they mess with all of us!
Okay lil' homies, teamwork on three. One, two, three!
Man, my critters have the zoomies right now. Everyone watch your step!
We got my four friends, then five of us, that's nine! Man, we're stacked!
So, game plan. What y'all feeling? I'm down for whatever.
You want more? Here's more!
Ayy, how are my buddies? No, not y'all, I'm talking about these little guys, but... yeah, what's up?
Ay, while we're here let's see my folks. My mom will feed all y'all for real!
Everybody thank Wingman! Come on, let's hear it!
I got an idea. What if we, I don't know, grabbed the spike?
Watch out dude, my crew is coming through.
Is this, too easy? It feels easy.
That's a win in the bag, let's grab some more.
It's easy to fix a machine when you know how it's built and how it works. But people... they're much more difficult.
I want to spend some time at the bottom of the sea... In peace and total silence.
I read in a book that when people die, they turn into stars and watch over us from the sky.
If you look up at the sky from far enough underwater, even the sun is soft on the eyes. That's why I like it down there.
Wherever the tide takes me, so long as the light of the hearth still shines, I'll always have a home to return to.
Your time and energy is a precious resource. Shouldn't you... spend it on someone else?
Hello, my name's Freminet, I'm a diver... Oh, no need to shake hands. I mean, no need to be so formal. Ahem, if you need help surveying underwater ruins or salvaging materials, I can be of some use to you. But for anything else... You might find me a disappointment.
You go ahead, I'm gonna stay up and read for a while. Hmm? What am I reading? It's, um... it's about diving. There's a bunch of skills that I still need to... Anyway, night!
I like smart people, but I also like playing dumb. I like the feeling of "being trusted".
Being able to read human expressions is quite the useful skill.
Hello, new faces! They call me the head nurse, but I actually handle all the nurse-related work all by myself down here!
You should at least try to be excited. Our free meals are actually pretty good here.
Pack everything up. Whoever's outside is eavesdropping. They'll probably come in once we stop talking.
You and my father are truly alike. You'd keep all kinds of things in your heart, and never say a word to anyone. It's not so much that you can't feel, but that you would never express anything.
In your eyes, the value of a human life is nothing compared to those cold laws you hold so dear.
There's no emotion behind your words - you only said those things because you felt like you should.
When we were young, we used to play a kind of tabletop game where she would be the adventurer and I the host. Playing things by ear has always come naturally to me - but all the same, I was often stumped by her decisions and the ripostes she came out with. But then again, that's what made it so interesting.
Buried truths make exclusive news, so good luck trying to keep secrets from me when we need a good story.
People aren't always very fond of journalists. You know what they say - lies are soft and malleable, but the truth is sharp and inflexible.
Fear is for insignificant cowards.
"Your credible source of the unbelievable truth!" That's my journalistic motto. Hmm? Haha, yep, exactly - "credible" and "incredible" at the same time! What's that? Oh, if I had to choose, then obviously being credible is much more important! But most readers would sooner pay money for sensational stories than mundane facts... So we have to focus on the most incredible true stories to keep our readers engaged.
Morning! Did you read the paper yet? No? No worries, I'll read it for you.
If you keep your eyes peeled and your mind engaged, you'll find there's always a news story nearby just waiting to be discovered.
There are lots of journalists in the Court of Fontaine, but not all of them hold themselves to a high professional standard. If you're ever looking to do an interview... I'm your best choice.
Surprise, surprise - Lyney refused an interview with me once again. Do you know how many times that is now? Uh, actually, I've lost count. But never mind! Evading me only further confirms my suspicion that he's hiding the news story of a lifetime! As long as I keep digging, I'll find it - and when I do, it will shake the world like no other news report in history!
Lady Furina has a very captivating presence. She was born to be a star. Euphrasie once assigned a journalist to shadow her, but he quit not long into the assignment... From what I've heard, the reason he left was that Furina insisted on seeing every photo he took of her right away, and she'd make him redo it if she wasn't happy with how it turned out. Apparently, she was so picky that the poor guy once had to take 127 shots of her in the same pose before she was content.
Time for an evening chat. Any stories you're willing to share? I'd love to hear them. Oh, don't worry, I won't print any of them without your permission. You have my word.
Hi there! I'm Charlotte, a journalist with The Steambird. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you've got time, would you be open to doing an exclusive interview? My journalistic instincts tell me that there's a treasure trove of news in you just bursting to get out!
I hear that Chevreuse is a regular customer of Beaumont Workshop. She always purchases the most expensive and advanced components for her musket. If I make enough Mora, maybe one day I can afford to upgrade Pers's components.
Captain Chevreuse, once again I implore you, we must tighten up the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol's entry requirements. Right now, we count among our members petty crooks who have burgled all over the Court of Fontaine, street fighters whose only concern is getting rich, and even a bandit whose band of cronies almost succeeded in robbing a bank! If you hadn't personally caught him red-handed — scoping the place out under the guise of being an investor — they might very well have pulled it off... For pity's sake, we're supposed to be the Maison Gardiennage! Even if just to preserve our image, please consider doing something!
I hope they'll always remember our "infamous reputation," and understand the meaning behind it. That way, perhaps there won't need to come a day when I have to drag them away for real.
The world is just a stage
It's better to laugh than to cry
because laughter is of human nature
Laugh at it all, don't worry
Let's enjoy today
Furina / Focalors in Genshin Impact - All the World's a Stage
You know, they say if you're scared of the thunder, it's really because you've got something else to hide.
I like signs of strength and hope. They give me reassurance that tomorrow will be better than today. This isn't to be pessimistic, but it's impossible for the present to be without its doubts and troubles — that's just the truth. But come hell or high water, if nothing else then at least we'll be able to figure it out together, right?
As a general rule, the less a person sees of me, the happier their life is.
"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." This phrase has been on the walls of the Fortress of Meropide for as long as anyone can remember. I don't know who first came up with it, but it's been pretty useful in the underworld.
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