The best Game Quotes (Page 7)

The best Game Quotes (Page 7)

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Word of advice: Don't break the law. Hmm, is there anything else? Oh, yeah... Seriously, don't break the law.
I once considered keeping some pets in my office, but soon gave up on the idea. It's just not right to keep small animals where they won't be able to see the sun.
They say there's nothing new under the sun, but somehow a picnic in the warm sunshine never gets old.
After the sun goes down, the desires hidden in people's hearts will rise to the surface.
If you ever see any stickers on my back, do me a favor and take them off... Melusines like to play pranks sometimes.
Hello, please try to quickly summarize your intents and goals for this meeting. Oh? You're not here for business? Well, that just makes me even more nervous.
Alright, then perhaps we should sit down and discuss things in a little more detail... Oh, and you can call me "Your Grace." That's what they all call me down in the Fortress, and... well, I kinda got used to it.
Most inmates seem to gain a new level of respect for the rules after receiving attention from the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol. As the captain, Chevreuse is an instrumental part of that team.
Building a relationship with someone is like gambling. No matter how much information you have, it's hard to predict how other people might change. I've always had the habit of keeping a safe distance from others, but in your case... I'm willing to shoulder the risk of losing a bet.
Because I never speak or change expressions, people often mistake me for a puppet... this kind of misunderstanding can prevent unnecessary social interactions, so it's actually quite nice.
I used to think that the golden sun and dark shadows of the night could never understand one another. But in you, I see a kind of strange complexity that has needlessly piqued my curiosity... I'll have to keep a close eye on you.
Entering Standby Mode... I hope nobody disturbs me.
Making tea looks simple on the surface, but it is actually quite complex. The quality of the tea leaves, the temperature of the water, the number of times to add water... Only when every variable is properly controlled can tea of the purest taste be brewed. Would you like a cup?
Animals can also express their feelings. If you listen carefully, you can tell what state they are in. For a kitty, "Meow~" means they are much happier than "Meow meow meow!", and in that situation, you can pet them as much as you want and they won't run away.
I have always been together with Lyney, and we can tell what the other is thinking without speaking. Thus, he tends to be more quiet than normal when we are alone. Hmm? Can I tell when he's lying or telling the truth? Of course I can, but this matter is top secret.
The skies have cleared? What a pity.
The Chief Justice always feels strangely aloof, though his words are always humble... or perhaps he just doesn't like dealing with humans? After all, when he speaks with Melusines, he's actually quite friendly.
Rainy days are perfect for spacing out...
Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Lyney's magic assistant, and if you have work-related inquiries, please ask Lyney. If you have questions related to seeing a magic show, please ask the ticket office. You want to talk to me? ...Then get to the point!
Delicious berries must often grow in areas thick with thorns, otherwise they would be devoured by greedy foxes.
Many things in this world seem simple at first glance but play host to all sorts of secrets if you look deeper.
Doing all this for me... Are you trying to steal this magician's heart, by any chance? Well, in that case, congratulations, my dear apprentice - or should I say, "companion." For you have succeeded!
Nothing could make me happier than having your trust.
Cats can use their ears to express their feelings. If they flatten them backwards, it indicates fear or caution, and if their ears are perked up and occasionally face forward, that usually means they're happy. Constant swiveling indicates that they are vigilantly assessing their surroundings.
My sister and I have always been inseparable. There's no hardship we can't overcome as long as we're together, and similarly, we share all our joys with each other. There's nothing in the world I treasure more than my family.
Monsieur Neuvillette rarely appears in public, almost as if he's intentionally trying to put some distance between himself and the people. At first, I thought it might be just me, but my ever-observant sister noticed it too, so I suppose that must really be the case.
The wind is really picking up... Ah, all my magic cards! Wait! No, no, not that way, come back! Come to Lyney!
I should probably emphasize again that I'm rarely so open with anyone - I guess it's because you're not just anyone.
Great, the weather's clearing up! I wonder if there's someone up there performing magic too...
Whoa, that was close! If this wind blows my hat off, all the props I keep inside it would come tumbling down onto my head.
C'mon, just five more minutes... Huh? Oh! It's you! I thought it was the radiance of the sunlight on my skin that I felt — turns out it was your radiance all along!
So long as the audience thinks that "seeing is believing," there's no limit to the number of tricks I can pull off!
I wonder what my dear sister Lynette is doing right now? Missing me to death, I'm sure!
This is no mere illusion, tis I, Lyney! The greatest magician in all Teyvat! How are we feeling today? Excited? Surprised? Oh, you're curious how I appeared in front of you like this? Well... Hmm, your eyes are like topaz, precious, pure, and lovely. I like them! I've decided — I'm going to put on a show just for you. Watch carefully now. Blink, and you might miss it!
I find that the, um... beauty of bright sunlight is best appreciated from the indoors through a window.
Some days, my mind wanders, and I fantasize about walking into the rain...
Animals can survive for weeks without food, but merely a few days without water. There is no dish that could ever compare to pure, unadulterated water.
When the tide comes in, I shall return...
Fontaine does have some rather intriguing laws on its books. For instance:
"It is forbidden to release any flying objects during the first three days of each month."
"During the dry season, all bivalves that wash ashore belong to the Hydro Archon, while other mollusks belong to the people."
"No domestic pets shall be named after Furina."
"Tomato ketchup is to be consumed in restaurants only as a condiment, never on its own."
And, finally: "Melusines are to be addressed using she/her pronouns, never the impersonal it/its"
That last one was my personal contribution.
Abandoned property belongs to whoever finds it first. So it's legally yours now.
From my observations, humans have a tendency to view themselves as being in opposition with nature. And whenever this point is raised, someone is always quick to respond by declaring that humans are in fact a part of nature, like any other organism. To someone like me, however, who knows an inkling of the truth, what would be most beneficial is if human civilization and the natural world of this planet could seek ways to co-exist with one another.
Snow is in fact one of water's natural self-cleansing mechanisms. But human activity tends to reduce snow's purity, so do not consume it.
What's that saying again... "A bolt from the blue"? Yes, yes, I believe that captures how it feels to me.
Ah, it's past noon. You must be looking forward to your afternoon tea or coffee break? I certainly am.
I see the value in my own work, but I also see the meaning in all the endeavors of the people of Fontaine. I believe I will continue to take pride in fulfilling my duties.
Greetings. I am the Chief Justice, or "Iudex" of Fontaine, but you may simply address me by using my surname, "Neuvillette." Not because I wish to keep my distance from you... No, I am merely conscious that being overly familiar may bring the impartiality of the judiciary into question in some people's eyes.
Good night. I am quite fond of the image of a perfectly still body of water, and it is on this note that I would like to wish you a peaceful, undisturbed sleep. May no waves of emotional distress ripple through your dreams tonight.
Good evening. I hope you have not encountered any unpleasantness today.
The time that I have spent living among the citizens of Fontaine, and traveling with you, has transformed my views. Even though before this I has pardoned the sins of humanity long ago, I can promise you that my future judgments will not cause any harm to the common folk. That being said, my grievances with the usurpers have yet to be settled... They owe a debt of blood that shall not be forgotten.
Since you hail from beyond the stars, I invite you to be my witness as I judge this upended world. "This realm dismantled was of the Formidable Father himself, but what now reigns here is a cluster of filthy feathers. Though we live in a world of disarray, I shall undertake to restore all that has been broken."
Melusines are beautiful creatures. They are the pride of Fontaine. Be sure to befriend them, and cause them no harm.
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